
Where Is How To Get Away With A Murderer Set

How To Get Away With Murder - Filming Locations

The Southern California locations where
" How To Get Away With Murder " is filmed.

ABC'southward new striking bear witness, "How to Get Away with Murder", is supposed to be set in Philadelphia.

But like nearly Tv shows, it wound up being filmed mostly in Los Angeles.

Have, for instance, the charming, blue & white Victorian business firm that doubles as the
law office of criminal defense attorney Annalise Keating (played past star Viola Davis):

This Victorian is a existent home, built in 1895.  Just information technology's certainly non in Pennsylvania.

Yous'll find it at 1130 W. 27th Street , in the "North University Park Commune" of due south Los Angeles ,
only north of the USC campus & Exposition Park. It's on the south side of the 27th Street, at Monmouth Ave.

The "North Academy Park Commune is a five-block residential area developed betwixt 1887 & 1929.
The neighborhood contains a number of notable homes (more often than not Victorian and Craftsman way),
including the Doheny mansion, and is on the National Annals of Historic Places.

Here is a Google StreetView of that Victorian house:

On the other hand, the interior of her police force role/dwelling house, that we encounter on the show, isn't real.

If you've ever been inside an former Victorian habitation, y'all'll know that the rooms are
usually rather small - as well cramped to make for an ideal filming environment.

So they built the interior of Annalise Keating's home equally a set on Stage 16
at Dusk-Gower Studios (where they used to film "Dexter").

The interior set includes the stained-glass front door & entryway we often
see on the prove, plus the stairs leading up, the living room, etc.

Early on in the get-go episode, we see law pupil 'Wesley Gibbins' bicycle through the
campus of what is supposed to exist
" Middleton University ", in Philadelphia.

Simply in real life, this is really the USC campus (the Academy of Southern California ),
3551 Trousdale Parkway , in Los Angeles .

In fact, in the screenshot above, he is biking very close to the famous statue of
Tommy Trojan. The building seen behind him is the Gwynn Wilson Student Spousal relationship .

( The USC campus is simply a few blocks southwest of the Victorian house we saw before. )

In the screencap beneath,  we see him stop, and walk into " Middleton Law School ",
where the lead character (Annalise Keating) teaches "Criminal Constabulary 100" -
or, as she prefers to phone call it, "How to Go Away  with Murder":

That building is actually Bovard Auditorium , at USC - right across from the Student Union:

Information technology is a performance venue, non a classroom.  Here is a photograph of the auditorium interior:

As yous can see, it doesn't match the interior of Annalise Keating's lecture hall.

Here is a expert Google Panorama of the same office of the USC campus.

Then, if they didn't film the constabulary schoolhouse lecture hall scenes within
Bovard Auditorium, where exactly did they film them?

This is where it gets a bit odd...

The usual practice of TV shows that pretend to be somewhere other than L.A. is to
transport a film coiffure to the supposed location, shoot a brief "establishing shot"
of the exterior, and then shoot the actual scene indoors at either a
Los Angeles location on a studio gear up in L.A.

But this time, for some reason, they did the exact contrary.

After shooting the exterior at USC, they actually went to Pennsylvania
to shoot the interior of that introductory law lecture scene.

They filmed inside Olin Auditorium , at Ursinus College , in Collegeville , PA .
(a individual college, nearly xxx miles northwest of Philadelphia.)

Even then, they had to build a set up to make the stage look the way they wanted information technology to wait.
Simply the seats, aisles, etc, where the students are sitting, are all authentic Olin.
They even recruited some Ursinus College students as extras to fill the seats.

And they have since built a near-identical classroom ready at Dusk-Gower Studios
- except that the set doesn't accept as many rows of seats every bit Olin Auditorium.

At the first of the show'due south 2d episode, Annalise Keating takes her law students to the
scene of a murder: the mansion of the accused wife-killer,
the wealthy hunter Max St. Vincent.

We come across them walking under a gilded dome, by an array of stuffed animate being trophies, while
St. Vincent tells them his side of the story, and and so reenacts the bloody murder in his bed.

This is actually the Doheny Mansion , at 8 Chester Identify , in Los Angeles .

Built in 1899, this was the plow-of-the-Century home of oil tycoon Edward Doheny,
and is now function of the downtown campus of Mountain St. Mary's college.

It'due south located just a few blocks due east of the Victorian domicile, and less than
one-half a mile northeast of the USC campus.

Chester Place is a private street filled with Victorian mansions, located due north of USC.

This circular, ornate room, with its dome & marble columns, is known equally the Pompeian Room .

The mansion has appeared on screen before - ofttimes - including in movies such every bit
"Princess Diaries", "Spider-Man 3", "Grab Me If You Can", "The Notebook"
and "The 3 Amigos", equally well as in a host of TV shows including

"The Gilmore Girls", "Angel", "Sliders", "Murder She Wrote" and "Alias".

Here's a photo of the exterior of the Doheny mansion:

and the Pompeian Room's dome:

(You can read more near the Doheny mansion here.)

There are, of grade, a lot of courtroom scenes on the show.  And in the kickoff ii episodes
alone, they used two different locations for their courtroom interiors.  Well, sort of...

They shot both at a rental studio called Riverfront Stages , which offers a number of standing
sets that can be used for  productions.  But Riverfront really has two different facilities.

The first is called "Treadwell", and is located at 3061 Treadwell Street , in Atwater Village .
They shot the courtroom scene for the first episode on a court gear up at Treadwell:

But for the second episode, they moved to Riverfront'southward other studio: "Telfair",
which is located upwards due north at 13100 Telfair Artery , in Sylmar , CA .

They used the same Telfair location for the hallway scenes outside the court.

For the exterior scenes, where she talks to her ex-lover, Nate, outside the court ,
it was out of the studio and back to the existent world:

This rather dramatic shot was filmed outside Los Angeles City Hall ,
at 200 N. Bound Street , in downtown L.A.

They shot this scene under the archways on the Hall's

due west side, facing Spring Street.

Here is a Google StreetView of those due west steps & arches:

Speaking of her ex-lover, Nate, in a 2nd-episode scene,

Annalise Keating goes
to Nate'due south apartment firm at night, when she becomes worried that her married man
may take killed a girl.  Nate wants nothing to do with her, but he can
see how genuinely worried she is, so he agrees to aid.

You lot'll detect this apartment house at 642 Due north. Plymouth Blvd , in Hollywood.
That's on a residential street just due south of Paramount Studios.

Here is a Google StreetView of the apartment house.

The screencaps on this folio are stills from "How To Go Away With Murder"
(which you can buy past clicking hither) and are copyright Paramount.

The rest of the page is Copyright � 2020-Gary Wayne /

Where Is How To Get Away With A Murderer Set,


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