
How To Remove A Stripped Set Screw

How to Remove a Stripped Screw

Even the most careful DIYer is bound to strip the occasional screw. The next fourth dimension you're faced with removing a spiral with a stripped head, try i of these hacks for removing it.

How to Remove a Stripped Screw


The all-time-laid DIY projection plans can hit a snag if a stripped screw turns up. Though stripped screws can certainly slow down a project'south progress, they're not impossible to deal with. If you don't ain a stripped screw extractor—a special tapered drill scrap with a square head—y'all'll do simply fine past following these effective tricks and tips for how to remove a stripped screw.

Virtually of the methods described below will work if a stripped screw is embedded in metal, wood, or plastic. Removing a stripped spiral from each fabric, still, presents its ain challenges.

  • Stripped screws in metallic need to be removed carefully, otherwise you lot adventure scratches or impairment. Be extra diligent when using power tools and cutting materials.
  • A stripped screw in wood will likely be affluent with the textile or slightly lower than the surface, so using a stripped spiral extractor may exist your best bet to retrieve the screw.
  • Plastic is a fairly soft material, and a light touch is a must if you want to reuse a hole in plastic subsequently removing a screw. Hammering, grinding, and cutting to remove the screw may render the hole unusable.

No affair which cloth you're working with, yous'll need a bit of muscle to remove stripped screws. You must use house pressure and patience, moving the spiral a fraction of a plough at a fourth dimension, otherwise you lot risk breaking the screw and making the removal process all the more challenging.

one. Use rubber bands.

 how to remove a stripped screw


Before trying any other methods, try this one:

  • Put a rubber ring—the wider, the better—over the top of the stripped screw.
  • Firmly insert the bespeak of your screwdriver, then slowly unscrew the fastener. The rubber ring adds traction, creating a ameliorate grip for your screwdriver to twist the screw. Wait to go through a few rubber bands when using this method, every bit they tend to pause from the pressure of the screwdriver.

If you don't accept a rubber band handy, substitute a bit of steel wool or some of the abrasive material from the scouring side of a sponge.

2. Size up your driver chip.

 how to remove a stripped screw


If you're trying to remove a stripped spiral using a driver bit that's sized for a spiral in pristine status, you're probable wasting your time. When the slots in the head of the screw have worn out, the driver flake you'd typically use won't fit properly. Try a bit that'southward a little larger to see if information technology fits ameliorate.

RELATED: The xv Most Useful Power Drill Attachments

Do you lot come up across a lot of stripped screws in your projects? A dedicated fix of stripped spiral extractors may exist the simply solution yous need. These attachments for your drill come in different types and sizes, and they involve a two-footstep process. You starting time use the drill bit to create a hole in the screw head, and then you employ the extractor to remove the screw.

four. Try a left-handed drill bit.

how to remove a stripped screw


Typical screws loosen by turning to the left. The less common left-handed drill scrap has flutes that twist in a counterclockwise direction. The torque applied by a left-handed drill chip can be more than constructive than a right-handed flake at loosening a stripped spiral. For it to work, nonetheless, the drill must be set in reverse.

RELATED: How to Change a Drill Chip

5. Drill deeper into the spiral head.

how to remove a stripped screw


Sometimes drilling a pocket-sized pigsty into a stripped screw can allow your screwdriver to attain deeper into—and achieve a better grip on—the stuck fastener. If you're going to try this approach, brand certain to utilize a drill bit designed for use on metal, not forest. And don't drill too far downward; the screw head could pop off!

6. Pull the spiral with pliers.

how to remove a stripped screw


Inspect the spiral head closely. If there's any daylight betwixt the spiral caput and the surface to which it's attached, see if y'all tin can become hold of the screw with a pair of locking pliers (these are likewise known every bit vise grips). If you can get the tool to grab a firm hold of the screw, yous should be able to turn the pliers until the screw loosens and pulls abroad.

This isn't the least labor-intensive option, simply nether the correct circumstances it works similar a charm.

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7. Switch to a flathead screwdriver.

how to remove a stripped screw


Does the stripped screw have a Phillips head? If so, attain for a flathead screwdriver narrow enough to fit (in its entirety) within the Phillips-head pigsty. Go along in listen that information technology takes real muscle to pull this off. To facilitate things, it's smart to combine this clever strategy with the safety band method described in Option i.

viii. Utilise a hammer to become a ameliorate grip.

how to remove a stripped screw


If the screw is made of soft metal, which is the kind well-nigh probable to become stripped in the outset place, catch your hammer.

Use the hammer to tap the screwdriver down into the screw head. Lodge the screwdriver as firmly as you tin can into the screw caput.

Doing then may provide the extra grip you need to twist the fastener.

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9. Utilize a liquid annoying.

Give your screwdriver or drill scrap something to grip by using a liquid abrasive, which tin be a great stripped screw remover. These fluids comprise tiny crystals that ballast between the screwdriver and the spiral to create friction where there was none. These liquids by and large don't stain, and you don't need much more than a drop per screw.

x. Pull out the hot glue gun.

how to remove a stripped screw


Rather than run out to purchase a new tool to remove stripped screws, plow to something you probably already have at home: your glue gun. Fill up the spiral head with glue, and stick in your screwdriver until it cools and dries. So it'south just a affair of slowly twisting the stripped screw with a screwdriver until it comes out.

If in that location's an oscillating tool in your workshop, such as a Dremel (and if yous're a committed DIYer, y'all probably should ain ane of these tools), affix the metallic-cut disc and create a new, deeper slot in the screw head. Follow upwardly with a flathead screwdriver, pressing it firmly into the indentation and twisting information technology slowly.

RELATED: Buyer's Guide: The Best Oscillating Tools

12. Weld a nut to the screw's head.

how to remove a stripped screw

A big, used screw with nut on a white background.

If you're experienced with welding and take the necessary equipment on hand—and yous really desire to remove that pesky stripped screw—here'southward a last-ditch effort you can make: Spot-weld a nut to the acme of the screw head, wait a sufficient period of time, then remove both screw and nut by means of a socket wrench.

Terminal Thoughts

Removing a stripped screw is a beginner-level skill, one that you can easily do yourself as you work your way through many home projects. That said, expect that stripped spiral removal will take time. Don't effort to rush the process, otherwise you might damage your projection.

Armed with all these tips, the next time you lot strip a spiral you tin can residuum assured that it's non the stop of the globe—it's only another solvable, admitting annoying, problem. No single trick works every time. Yous may demand to apply a combination of techniques to remove the screw, merely don't overdo one method, or you risk stripping the screw fifty-fifty more. Once yous know how to remove a stripped screw and go familiar with all of the options at your disposal, you'll gradually learn to recognize which scenarios call for which particular solution.


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