
Batman – The Telltale Series review: Wayne-ing interest - wilsoncolusay1992

I'm start to think that the more in flood-profile the source material, the worsened the Telltale adaptation. Information technology's not a steely and fast rule, I guess. The Walking Dead gets a draw because information technology was the first-year of the modern-era Revealing games, and populate lovemaking Tales From the Borderlands.

But Game of Thrones was the first Telltale game to really underwhelm, and with Batman's fifth and final sequence now discharged I think it's safe to state it's also somewhat disappointing—and for similar reasons.

The trouble seems to be Telltale trying to construct a Telltale-style story within the bounds of a very strict universe of discourse. The studio's best games, be it Borderlands or Wolf Among Us or even The Walking Gone, have stolen place in well-established worlds merely ones where thither's plenty of freedom for characters to playact.

Game of Thrones and Batman father't meet those criteria—these are clearly-settled characters, with well-entrenched patterns of behavior the story needs to account for. And IT doesn't quite a process.

Don the cowl

The best thing Telltale's Batman does is spare-time activity Batman. I aforesaid it first in our prevue coverage, then in my impressions after Episode One, but it holds just Eastern Samoa true here at the end.

Batman - The Telltale Series

Ix times out of ten Batman's solution to a problem is to punch things, and action has ne'er been Telltale's strong suit. Even here, where the carry through sequences are the best they've of all time been, information technology still amounts to pressing the right button at the right-wing time to make Batman do Batman block. All I genuinely want to Doctor of Osteopathy is watch the scene playing out on screen, but or else I'm perplexed trying to envision out when it's going to make me military press the A button or whatever. It's dull.

And then Batman's best moments come from the humanity beneath the mask, Bruce Wayne. These segments play to Telltale's talents, with Duke Wayne talking his way finished everything from fancy view fundraisers to press conferences and material maneuvering to fireside chats with Alfred. Tattletale besides does an excellent job building scenes around dramatic irony Eastern Samoa characters often comment on Batman to Anthony Wayne directly. How you handle those moments can comprise jolly interesting, whether Bruce Wayne talks trash about his alter-egotism to try and alleviate suspicions, surgery whether he calls the Caped Crusader a submarine sandwich to try and keep open Batman's public persona.

It humanizes a character who's often reduced to (at least in films and games) the broadside-story, the forced dramatic suspensio betwixt activeness scenes. Liken, for instance, how much test time David Bruce Wayne gets in Christopher Nolan's trilogy versus Telltale's story. There's No contest.

Batman - The Telltale Series

Duke Wayne ISN't the only one who gets explored on a deeper rase. The few "Oh thigh-slapper" moments packed into Batman are almost all fibre-compulsive, be it a role reversal or an alignment change surgery even just the central resonance between Catwoman and Batman—or quite, 'tween Selina Kyle and Sir David Bruce Wayne. Many a of the game's finest interactions involve her and Wayne exploring their relationship to each different and to Gotham, in essence enemies and hitherto drawn together. It's nothing that hasn't been done in the comics, just with Little Phoeb episodes for it to breathe the discourse becomes a thematic focal point.

But like Game of Thrones, the biggest problem with B atman is that it's Batman.

There's been a mickle of writing in the past few old age close to "the illusion of choice." Tattletale's games act care the player has delegacy, like the player's choices matter, but at last there's a central story existence told. Picture Telltale's stories as a ball field, or as two symmetric paths—sometimes divergent, sometimes convergency, only always header towards a single end.

Talebearer's best games disguise this fact though. InThe Wolf Among United States, for instance, there are multiple points therein write up where the role player might ask "If I'd chosen the other path originally, would things have gone differently?" And the answer is almost sure "No," but the player doesn't needs know that, and thusly the illusion survives.

Batman - The Telltale Series

The job with Batman (and Game of Thrones) is the illusion breaks so easily. There are actions that Batman is never passing to do. On that point are actions Robert the Bruce Wayne is never departure to do. And so what happens is you wind up alone allowing players the choice between trey extremely similar options, acting inside a narrow band of possibilities. And reasonable to put it in big bluff committal to writing thus I don't get any complaints later:


For example: Ii Face. Everyone knows Harvey Dent. Everyone knows Two Face. Ii Face was clearly being set up to be an important theatrical role of this game from Episode One, when you're campaigning for Harvey Dent. Merely a choice early allows you to save Harvey from being injured into his iconic Two Face mu. Elegant, right? Advantageously, nobelium. He hush becomes Two Face, except without the burned look. At that point, information technology doesn't even feel comparable a choice.

Evening a non-alternative wouldn't be the end of the world though, except Batman's writing gets pretty sloppy between acts. Catwoman becomes Schrodinger's Catwoman, randomly cropping indorse up late in the account even afterwards she told you she left the urban center, for seemingly no grounds.

Worse is a point late in Act Quaternion where you're given the pick between 2 locations. You butt either conk out stoppage soul from messing with Batman's tech, operating room attend Wayne Manor to stop a different threat. I chose to go to save my tech, that superficial alike the more press topic—and when Act Four ended, it ended on a tormenter of Wayne Manor along fire, burning to the ground.

Yet when I finally made it back to Wayne Manor in Act Five, I base home mellifluous home lightly-cooked at best, all but wholly intact demur for some sear marks on the carpet. Worse still, when the panoram moved on to the next day's events, Bruce Wayne walked around the manor house and it looked completely spotless, as if it hadn't been engulfed in flames the Nox prior.


This sort of thing shatters the whole illusion Telling whole kit and caboodle and so hard to build. Immediately you go "Advisable, I guess that prime didn't matter at wholly," and it undermines the story. In something like The Wolf Among Us, it feels equal the player is an active partly of the storytelling process. With Batman, it feels to a greater extent equivalent you're observation a semi-interactional picture where just about aspects are already preordained, the curtain too thin to hide Telltale's writing wizard's from view.

Stutter to the end

But the bad aspect of all is Blabbermout's engine, and I think we really need to talk about it here, albeit briefly.

IT's busted. Just completely busted. Information technology's somewhat unusual only because Telltale said that Batman was going to be the big engine overhaul, that it was going to fix all the problems that've infested Informatory's games since the first Walking Dead season.

Batman - The Telltale Series

It made the problems worse. Performance along my GeForce GTX 980 Ti is abysmal, even aft December's performance patch. The courageous hesitates at the bulge out of every single vista and sometimes never recovers, stuttering along in some sequences at 30-40 frames per second. Dialogue gets desynced from audio along a regular basis, and characters OR scenery sometimes don't render fully. When I switched to a GTX 970 performance was even worsened, with the game scarcely wanting to melt down at all in doomed scenes.

I just don't quite understand it. I know that Telltale's games are somewhat complex, with the game having to load up different lines of negotiation and what-have-you based on your past choices. Only still, performance is abominable here, worse even out than I remember from previous Telling games. It's a disfigure on Batman, and something that desperately needs fixing.

Bottomland line

By and large I just lament that we've lost 2013-ERA Blabbermout. It hasn't been that long, but the studio's meteoric rise has seen them ditch The Wolf Among United States and properties of that caliber in favour of of huge blockbusters like Batman and the fresh-announced Guardians of the Galaxy. And I get it. At that place's money to be made.

Small titles played to Informative's strength though, I think. There was a exemption that came from their niche appeal. When you're handling something American Samoa dearest as Batman or Game of Thrones, you just can't take the same chances, and Telltale's structure doesn't work so well when it's chained to an 800-pound anvil successful up of devotee expectations, as more than as the writers try.


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